Company Background

Aktuelle Presseartikel über DERMALOG


Jenetric acquisition by Dermalog consolidates German biometrics market

Hamburger entwickeln System, das Fahrer wach hält

Dermalog biometrics to power driver monitoring system through auto group partnership

Kooperation zwischen Dermalog und Rheinmetall

UKE-Team identifiziert unbekannte Tote in Mexiko

La carte d’identité biométrique : Un saut dans la modernité et l’innovation

Software permite identificar a 36 personas desaparecidas

Lebenderkennung bei Fingerabdrücken

Dermalog claims win in LivDet fingerprint biometrics anti-spoofing competition

DERMALOG Listed as One of Germany’s 20 Most Innovative Companies

Milestone! LTO amasses 1M online portal registrants

DERMALOG Wins German Innovation Award for Biometric Camera Solution

Banks record 5.4m BVN registrations in 2020

LTO opens Online Portal to serve “new normal”

Fiebermess-Kamera aus Hamburg wird zum weltweiten Erfolg

DERMALOG Pushes Fever Detection Camera to Stop Spread of Coronavirus

These inventive European tech startups are helping the world fight coronavirus outbreak

LTO opens new digital governance solution in Metro Manila

Dermalog biometrics improve border security in Thailand

Dermalog biometrics revamp systems in Philippines and Thailand

LTO adopts ultra efficient anti-corruption info tech infrastructure

Biometric ID systems installed at Phuket International Airport

Unternehmen für Sicherheitstechnik will mehr als nur Hidden Champion sein

DERMALOG and IDnow Collaborate On Autoldent Security Platform

Djibouti : l'allemand Dermalog conduira le projet de transformation digitale de l'administration territoriale

Afghan govt: Biometric election system purchased from Dermalog

Dermalog launches real-time multi-modal matching solution

DERMALOG iris recognition software matches 25 million eyes per second

Dermalog Claims World’s Fastest Face Recognition

Biometrie-Lösung vergleicht 3,6 Milliarden Fingerabdrücke pro Sekunde

Von Drohnenabwehr und Irisscans: Was tun gegen Terror bei Massen-Events?

New Certification Could Extend Market Reach of Dermalog ePassport Solutions


Maldives introduces new ‘passport card’

Dermalog anuncia solução para reconhecimento facial


DERMALOG Claims Fastest AFIS in the World

Mit Sicherheit ein Milliardengeschäft

Dermalog LF10: Scanner hilft bei Registrierung von Flüchtlingen

Banks’ Biometric Authentication Helps Nigerian Gov’t Catch Fraudsters

Der kleinste Scanner der Welt kommt aus Hamburg

Dermalog AFIS sees strongest performance in NIST benchmark test

DERMALOG Showcases Biometric Tech at CeBIT

CBN inaugurates Bank Verification Number

Con el dinero en la punta de los dedos