Benefits at DERMALOG We value you and your work. Would you like to do something for your further education or health?We will help you develop personally and professionally. Get an overview of the benefits at DERMALOG. Corporate culture Blog Jobs
Deutschland-Ticket We pay your Deutschland-Ticket and you can travel easily by all means of local public transport.
Health management Stay physically and mentally fit with our fitness partner EGYM Wellpass, based around Germany.
Travel protection Thanks to “International SOS”, you can travel safely and stay well informed at all times.
Company doctor You have access to occupational healthcare, preventive check-ups and vaccination offers.
Ongoing training We help you to keep learning. Our idea: You continue your education, we grow as a team.
Drinks and fruit Treat yourself in your breaks. Fruit, tea, coffee, water – sparkling or still? It’s free of charge.
Recording of hours worked Vacation days and overtime never expire. We compensate you financially or with time off.