Company Background

DERMALOG Awards: Honoring Biometric Innovation

71 International Awards

Biometrics at its best: for the development of pioneering technological solutions in biometric identification, DERMALOG has been awarded with numerous national and international prizes in various categories. These have given further weight to the acknowledgement of the strength of our company’s best-in-class biometric technologies operating with speed, accuracy and reliability.


Our award-winning products have been recognized as performance winners in independent biometric testing. DERMALOG’s innovations have proven to possess considerable economic value in terms of German trade. We have been honored for the customer value of our products that have provided competitive pricing and excellent customer service. Find below a full list of all our national and international awards.

Numerous national and international prizes in various categories



Awarded as one of the most innovative medium-sized company

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

For the seventh time in a row DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German SME companies



Recognized for innovation competence for research and development by the German Certification Body for Research Grants (BSFZ). 

German Innovation Award

German Innovation Award

Winner of CT1 Camera Tower

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

For the sixth time in a row DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German SME companies



Awarded as one of the most innovative medium-sized company

Exzellenzbetrieb Deutscher Mittelstand

Exzellenzbetrieb Deutscher Mittelstand

Recognized by business portal 'Die Deutsche Wirtschaft'

Deutschlands Wachstumsstärkste Mittelständler

Deutschlands Wachstumsstärkste Mittelständler

Recognized by business portal 'Handelsblatt'



Winner of the international fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition

Innovative through Research

Innovative through Research

Recognized by German Stifterverband

German Innovation Award

German Innovation Award

Gold award winner in Multi-Biometric Cameras

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

For the fifth time in a row DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German SME companies

M&A Today Global Awards

M&A Today Global Awards

Best Biometrics Products & Solutions Provider 2020 - Global

German Innovation Award

German Innovation Award

Award for DERMALOG's Biometric Border Control

Industrie-Bestenliste Best of

Industrie-Bestenliste Best of

Award for DERMALOG's Body Temperature Camera FLC1

Deutschlands Wachstumsstärkster Mittelständler

Deutschlands Wachstumsstärkster Mittelständler

Recognized by business portal 'Handelsblatt'

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

For the fourth time in a row DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German SME companies

Focus Wachstumschampion

Focus Wachstumschampion

Awarded as one of the fastest growing companies in Germany

M&A Today Global Awards

M&A Today Global Awards

Best Biometric Identification Company - Germany

Innovator des Jahres

Innovator des Jahres

Award of the business portal 'Die Deutsche Wirtschaft'

German Innovation Award

German Innovation Award

Award for DERMALOG's Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS)

ACQ Global Awards

ACQ Global Awards

International - Company of the Year - Biometric Security

Exzellenzbetrieb Deutscher Mittelstand

Exzellenzbetrieb Deutscher Mittelstand

Recognized by business portal 'Die Deutsche Wirtschaft'

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

For the third time in a row DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German SME companies

CEO of the Year Awards

CEO of the Year Awards

Gunther Mull is honored as CEO of the Year in the category 'Biometrics'

Innovator des Jahres

Innovator des Jahres

According to Brand Eins magazine and the online portal Statista DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German companies

CEO 100

CEO 100

Gunther Mull is named in the CEO 100 list

The 10 Most Trusted Cyber Security Solution Providers

The 10 Most Trusted Cyber Security Solution Providers

German Innovation Award

German Innovation Award

Award for DERMALOG's innovative Gate

Corporate Excellence Awards

Corporate Excellence Awards

Gunther Mull is the most influential CEO of the year in the biometrics industry

Innovativ durch Forschung

Innovativ durch Forschung

Recognized by German Stifterverband

Industriepreis Best of

Industriepreis Best of

Award for DERMALOG's Self Registration Kiosk in the category 'IT and Software Solutions'

Innovationspreis-IT Best of

Innovationspreis-IT Best of

Award for DERMALOG's Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS)

Malaysian Business Awards

Malaysian Business Awards

Winner in the category 'Best Biometric Products & Solutions Provider'



Winner of the international fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

For the second time DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German SME companies

Innovation & Excellence Awards

Innovation & Excellence Awards

Winner in the category 'Innovation in Biometrics Technology'

CEO Awards

CEO Awards

Gunther Mull is honored as CEO of the Year by Business Worldwide

Innovator des Jahres

Innovator des Jahres

According to Brand Eins magazine and the online portal Statista DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German companies

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

Deutschlands Innovativste Mittelständler

DERMALOG is one of the most innovative German SME companies

German Business Awards

German Business Awards

Best Biometrics Company & Most Advanced Identification Software

Wealth&Finance Business Awards

Wealth&Finance Business Awards

Best Biometric Identification Company - Germany

Top 100 Innovator

Top 100 Innovator

For the second time DERMALOG is one of the 100 most innovative companies in the German SME sector

Best Payment Innovation of the Year

Best Payment Innovation of the Year

Awarded by CBN Cashless CardExpo Africa

Hamburg Innovation Award

Hamburg Innovation Award

Winner in the category 'Growth'

IAIR Award

IAIR Award

Gunther Mull is honored as CEO of the Year in the category 'Biometric Systems - Europe'

Focus Wachstums-Champion

Focus Wachstums-Champion

Awarded as one of the fastest growing companies in Germany

Hamburger Gründerpreis

Hamburger Gründerpreis

Recognized by Hamburger Sparkasse and Hamburger Abendblatt

Industriepreis Best of

Industriepreis Best of

Award for DERMALOG's All-in-One scanner VF1

The Best of German Mittelstand

The Best of German Mittelstand

Selection of German world market leaders

NIST FpVTE AFIS / Fingerprint Test

NIST FpVTE AFIS / Fingerprint Test

Winner of NIST FpVTE AFIS/Fingerprint Test

African Biometrics Company of the Year

African Biometrics Company of the Year

Awarded by Frost & Sullivan

IAIR Award

IAIR Award

Best Company for Innovation and Leadership – Biometric Systems – Europe

Hidden Champion

Hidden Champion

Nominated for the Hidden Champions Award of the the television channel n-tv



Winner in the category 'E-Payment'

Customer Value Enhancement Award

Customer Value Enhancement Award

Winner in the category 'Global Biometrics and Border Control' awarded by Frost & Sullivan

Preis der Deutschen Außenwirtschaft

Preis der Deutschen Außenwirtschaft

First place in the German Foreign Trade Award



Winner of the international fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition



Award for DERMALOG's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)

EMEA AFIS Biometric Market Customer Value Enhancement Award

EMEA AFIS Biometric Market Customer Value Enhancement Award

Award for DERMALOG's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) by Frost & Sullivan



Winner of the international fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition

Patent des Monats

Patent des Monats

Awarded by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

Top 100 Innovator

Top 100 Innovator

DERMALOG is one of the 100 most innovative companies in the German SME sector.

Deutschland - Land der Ideen

Deutschland - Land der Ideen

Winner in the category 'Selected Places'

Entrepreneur des Jahres

Entrepreneur des Jahres

Gunther Mull is one of the finalists in the Entrepreneur of the Year competition by Ernst & Young



Winner of the international fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition

Deutschland - Land der Ideen

Deutschland - Land der Ideen

Winner in the category 'Selected Places'

Entrepreneur des Jahres

Entrepreneur des Jahres

Gunther Mull is one of the finalists in the Entrepreneur of the Year competition



Winner of the largest European biometric test at Frankfurt Airport by BSI and BKA

Deutscher Gründerpreis

Deutscher Gründerpreis

Nominated in the category 'Visionary'