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Training and dual study programs at DERMALOG

Apply for a dual study program or a training apprenticeship at DERMALOG. We offer you the opportunity to kickstart your career in the exciting world of biometrics.
Join our team, take on responsibilities after just a short time, and learn in an exceptional company!

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Training at DERMALOG: What can you expect?

“Hi, I’m Jessica Dubberke. I joined DERMALOG in 2013, and might well soon be your Training Manager. After qualifying as an industrial clerk, I studied Business Management at the Northern Business School. My focus: Human Resources and Marketing. At the same time, I started working as a student trainee in our Human Resources team. Over the years working at DERMALOG, I’ve been able to get to know the company very well and recognise those people who would be a good fit for us. Ensuring close ties between the training officers and the trainees themselves is particularly important to me.”

"Hello, I'm Sören Hilpert and together with my colleague Jessica I'm responsible for training at DERMALOG. I have been with the company since 2021 and am passionate about personnel development, which I first came across during my studies in business psychology. I want to give our apprentices and dual students the opportunity to gain valuable experience. That's why at DERMALOG you get individual support, responsibility and reflective feedback.”

Your entry options at DERMALOG

Dual study programme in Business Management

In this dual study programme at the Nordakademie, you’ll acquire, in various different modules, basic knowledge of Business Management (BWL), Strategic & International Management, and Logistics / Operations Management. The Nordakademie also places great emphasis on foreign languages, as well as personal and professional development through seminars or semesters abroad, which we’re glad to support. During the practical phases of the programme in our company, you’ll work in various departments, including Marketing, Sales, Finance and Project Management. You’ll support the teams in their day-to-day business and be involved in current projects.

Degree: Bachelor of Science.

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Dual study programme in Computer Engineering

This dual study programme at the Nordakademie covers all phases of software design: from conception and modelling through to realisation, implementation and quality assurance of complex software systems. These might either be standard software applications or company-specific applications. At our company, you’ll rotate through various development teams, focusing on applying the theoretical content you have learnt during your studies in a practical context.

Degree: Bachelor of Science

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Training programme as an IT Specialist (IHK)

The choice between two different areas of specialisation makes this programme particularly interesting.

In application development, you’ll learn different programming languages, manage databases, and test out the written software. Biometric Processing is especially popular with our trainees. This refers to the department in which we biometrically record physiological characteristics, such as fingerprints, faces or the pattern of an iris. This work sets us apart from other companies.

System integration, on the other hand, oversees the internal IT infrastructure. You’ll set up hardware and software, take care of troubleshooting, and make sure that our network remains stable. The whole of our digital infrastructure, in other words the heart of the company, falls within your area of responsibility.

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Training programme as a Management Assistant in Wholesale & Exports (IHK)

During your training as a Management Assistant in Wholesale & Exports, you’ll work in the administrative departments of the company: Marketing, Sales, Purchasing, Shipping, Finance, and Human Resources. Each department assigns you with fixed jobs to do, allowing you to take on real responsibility in a short space of time. We reward your enthusiasm for learning with a wealth of new knowledge and various unique insights into the IT environment of tomorrow. As we’re an internationally operational company, no two projects are the same. New challenges and remits are always popping up. You certainly won’t ever get bored!

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Training as a Media Designer (IHK)

Your creativity has free reign with us. As a Media Designer, you’ll get to work in the Marketing and Design teams. You’ll be conceiving layouts and combining text, image and video files to produce multimedia content. We’ll be needing you as an internal service provider for a range of different tasks. You’ll create brochures and screen designs for our products, and work on our website. Besides your own ideas and having a “good eye”, we’ll also expect you to have a feel for and keen interest in trends and innovations.

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Student jobs & internships

You see a group working together on something.You see a group working together on something.

Gain your first work experience with us

Gaining practical, hands-on experience during your studies is very helpful in terms of your future career. As a student trainee, you can work in our respective teams for up to 20 hours a week during your semesters. Mandatory practical semesters or theses with a practical focus for a trainee’s Bachelor’s or Master’s degree are particularly welcome among our colleagues in the Biometric Products department. We’ll be glad to help identify a suitable subject field and are very open to individual suggestions.

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Your benefits at a glance

  1. Your chances of being offered a job afterwards are high
  2. You may be able to bring your training end date forward
  3. You’ll earn an attractive salary

Here’s what our students and trainees say