As a pioneer in the development of biometric products and solutions, DERMALOG has shaped the world of security for over 30 years. We have been and keep on revolutionizing biometric security products and solutions. Law enforcement authorities or civil governmental agencies like national registration, voter and driver registrations, health agencies or security agencies belong to our customer base. We develop solutions for access and data security or authorization and authentication services as well as mobile security. Governmental organizations, public and private businesses all over the world trust DERMALOG’s expertise and state of the art biometric products.
DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH, based in Hamburg, is the largest German biometrics manufacturer and is known as the Biometrics And Security Innovation Leader. A team of scientists is constantly developing our Automated Biometric Identification Systems (ABIS) and Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS), including cutting-edge fingerprint scanning devices. The product portfolio is complemented by biometric border control systems and biometric ID cards and passports as well as biometric voting systems.
Years of Successful Business
300 +
Large-Scale Installations in more than 100 Countries
Günther Mull is the inventor of “The Fingerprint Scanner”. DERMALOGs founder developed the world’s first fingerprint scanner and launches his device on the German market. (German patent 1980s)
The world’s first open system AFIS for large-scale biometric databases. (1995)
The world’s first fingerprint access control. (1995)
The world’s first fingerprint login for personal computers. (1996)
The world’s first fingerprint liveness detection to identify fake fingerprints. (2008)
DERMALOG FingerPayment was the world’s first payment system via fingerprint-identification. (2009)
The world’s first “Shape Matching”, or more precise, the world’s fastest fingerprint-matching by “shapes”. Within one second more than 120 Million fingerprint were matched on a standard Intel Processor. (2010)
The world’s first banking system via fingerprint. DERMALOG holds the European trademark FingerBanking. (2012)
The world’s first all-in-one scanner. It includes scanning fingerprints and passports, reading flight tickets and barcodes and a signature pad - using the same surface. RFID, identifying via radio, is a feature also included. (2015)
The world’s first age-independent fingerprint matching working with children younger than twelve years old. The U12ID project is promoted by IFB Hamburg. (2016)
Our continuously growing team is developing the biometric solutions of tomorrow
DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH is an expanding company based in Hamburg with additional offices in Malaysia and Singapore, as a result of strong growth in the region. We offer challenging projects in international environments and the latest technologies in the field of biometric identification.
Help us to increase our lead in the world of biometric technologies and start your career at DERMALOG - join a highly motivated team with varied, interesting and visionary work. Have a look for our current job vacancies and get in touch with us!
Fuelled by the possibilities of biometrics, DERMALOG has delivered solutions for governments, enterprises and the financial sector for more than 25 years. DERMALOG's expertise is defined by our verifiably good and consistently innovative technology concepts. This is evident in the development of the widest product range of deployable techniques and the largest number of biometric patents as well as in our worldwide installations. See the history we have written and the paths of biometric innovation we pursue in the period to come.