Pioneering Biometric Innovations

Hamburg, 1 April, 2013 -

Leading German business associations have awarded the German Foreign Trade Prize to the biometrics company DERMALOG for its outstanding contribution to foreign trade with regard to the worldwide export of its groundbreaking fingerprint technology.

DERMALOG Awarded German Foreign Trade Prize.

Security of data and information and its effective protection against unauthorised access is a very important issue in the modern world. There are numerous methods for checking access permissions, ranging from passwords to smart cards and biometric methods. The fingerprint is a unique biometric characteristic, making it one of the safest ways of verifying an individual‘s true identity and preventing misuse. It has therefore been used in official identity documents in a number of countries for several years.

One of the world leaders in the field of fingerprint technology is DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany. Its scientists and engineers have developed methods and applications for biometric fingerprint identification. DERMALOG systems are in use in more than 50 countries around the world. Applications range from biometric systems for border control and ID cards to computer logins and even fingerprint payment methods.

DERMALOG‘s outstanding contribution to foreign trade was government recognized in Bremen when it was awarded first prize at the German Foreign Trade Award. This unique award is presented jointly every two years by the leading German business associations: the Federation of German Industries (BDI), the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), the Federal Association of German Export Trade (BDEx), the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services (BGA) and the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH). Another partner is the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. The sponsor of the German Foreign Trade Award is the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

„We are most honoured to receive this joint award from the leading German business associations,“ comments Günther Mull, CEO of DERMALOG. „Foreign trade has always been hugely important for us. Currently, more than 95 percent of our business originates from abroad. Our technology enjoys a high level of acceptance and is becoming increasingly used and implemented worldwide. I would therefore be very happy if our innovative, safe and user-friendly solutions, such as FingerLogin and FingerPayment, were more widely used in Germany in the future as well.“

And the German Foreign Trade Award is not the first award that DERMALOG has received this year. The company‘s fingerprint scanner was selected jointly by the American Clarkson University and the University of Cagliari as the best performer in the „LivDet 2013“ competition for liveness detection, and in the spring, the consulting firm Frost & Sullivan awarded their Global Biometrics Customer Value Enhancement Award to DERMALOG‘s biometric border control system.

Press contact

DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH
Media Relations: Jan Runzheimer
Mittelweg 120
20148 Hamburg

Phone: 0 40 413 227-0
Telefax: 0 40 413 227-89
